
Commercial Law

Commercial Law and Its Importance To You

Welcome to your trusted legal partner for navigating the intricate landscape of commercial and corporate law.  You understand the importance of having robust legal support to safeguard your enterprise’s interests and ensure smooth operations. Our team of seasoned commercial lawyers is dedicated to providing comprehensive and tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.

Unravelling the Complexities of Commercial Law

Commercial law, also known as business law, encompasses a broad spectrum of legal disciplines crucial for the functioning of businesses. At Stephen Wawn & Associates, we advocate for business law in Australia; our expert commercial lawyers specialise in providing legal counsel across various facets of business operations, ensuring that your enterprise is well-protected and legally compliant.

– Business Structuring for Optimal Success

Proper business structuring is fundamental to the success and longevity of any enterprise. Our commercial law experts can guide you through the intricacies of structuring your business, helping you choose the most suitable legal framework. From sole proprietorships to partnerships and corporations, we ensure your business structure aligns with your goals and mitigates potential risks.

– Navigating Franchising Regulations

Understanding the legal nuances is imperative for businesses venturing into the world of franchising. Our commercial lawyers are well-versed in franchise law, offering comprehensive guidance on compliance, contract negotiation, and dispute resolution. We strive to ensure your franchise operations run smoothly within the bounds of the law.

– Strategic Financing and Banking Advice

Regarding financing and banking, our commercial law expertise extends to helping you navigate complex transactions. From securing loans to negotiating favourable terms, our lawyers are committed to protecting your financial interests and ensuring that your business has the necessary capital to thrive.

– Business Dissolution & Liquidation Expertise

In the unfortunate event of business dissolution or the need for liquidation, our commercial lawyers provide strategic advice on the legal processes involved. We aim to streamline the dissolution process, protect your assets, and navigate liquidation procedures with the utmost efficiency.

– Proactive Risk Management Strategies

Effective risk management is central to sustainable business growth. Our business law lawyers work closely with you to identify potential risks, formulate risk mitigation strategies, and ensure your business is well-prepared to handle challenges proactively.

– Comprehensive Asset Protection Solutions

Protecting your business assets is a cornerstone of our commercial law services. Whether through contractual agreements, intellectual property protection, or other legal mechanisms, we work to safeguard your assets and fortify your business against potential threats.

– Resolving Breaks of Contract with Precision

In the realm of commercial law, our lawyers excel in resolving disputes, including breaches of contract. We approach each case with precision, aiming for efficient resolution through negotiation or, if necessary, litigation. Our focus is on protecting your business interests while minimising disruptions.

Your Partner in Business Success

At Stephen Wawn & Associates, we pride ourselves on being more than just legal advisors; we are your dedicated partners in business success. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction sets us apart, making us the preferred choice for businesses seeking expert commercial law act services in Australia.


1. How does Stephen Wawn & Associates approach risk management for businesses?

At Stephen Wawn & Associates, our approach to risk management involves a comprehensive analysis of your business operations. We work closely with you to identify potential risks, develop proactive strategies to mitigate them, and ensure your business is well-prepared to handle challenges effectively. We aim to fortify your business against potential threats and contribute to its sustainable growth.

2. What sets Stephen Wawn & Associates apart in providing commercial law services in Australia?

Our adept commercial law team is prepared to customise solutions that align with the distinctive requirements of your business, guaranteeing legal success and fostering strategic growth.

Stephen Wawn & Associates distinguishes itself in delivering commercial law services by prioritising individualised care and offering top-notch legal proficiency. Operating as a boutique law firm, our primary emphasis is cultivating enduring connections with our clients, rooted in trust, transparency, and a sincere commitment to realising their distinct business objectives. 

Contact Us for Tailored Commercial Law Solutions

Elevate your business with specialised legal guidance tailored to your unique needs. Contact us now to arrange a consultation with our seasoned commercial law team at Stephen Wawn & Associates. We’re dedicated to ensuring the legal success of your business and strategically positioning it for growth in the ever-evolving landscape of commercial law.

Purchase & sale of business

We can provide advice and guide you through the purchase or sale of a business. Our team is experienced in all types of business transactions, including asset sale agreements, share sale agreements, joint ventures and franchise agreements.

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Our team can provide you with advice and assistance in the negotiation of all of your commercial contracts. Our team has experience drafting all types of contracts, including general terms and conditions, service agreements, loan agreements, mortgage & securities and guarantees.

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Shareholder Agreements & Companies

If you are establishing a new company or raising further capital, our team can provide you timely advice on the process and prepare all the necessary documentation, including shareholder agreements, company constitution and other securities documents.

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Dissolution of business

The dissolution of a business, be that a sole trader, partnership or company, can be complex. Our team has experience advising clients through the process and ensuring that there are no outstanding obligations or issues that may arise further down the track.

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Let us help you!

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : (02) 9328 1000

office@stephenwawn.com.au Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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